International Conference on "Rising Africa: Looking Back to Think Ahead" from 3 - 4 October 2023 at MMAJ-Academy of International Studies, Jamia Millia islamia (JMI), New Delhi.
Recent Conferences
International Conference on "Rising Africa: Looking Back to Think Ahead" from 3-4 October 2023
International Webinar on May 5th 2020
Talk by President of African Development Bank at IIC organiseded by ASA/PRIASA on 1st February2013
Round Table on "China in Francophone and Anglophone Africa: Implications on India", 24th August 2012 at School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Public lecture cum discussion by Prof. Denis Venter on "The Imperatives of Democracy and Governance for African Renewal" at Conference Hall I, India International Centre on 27th January 2011 at 6:30 PM
ASA Interaction with visiting Journalist from Africa January 2011
South Africa under Globalisation: Issues in Foreign Policy and Development at New Delhi (JNU) on 11-12 Nov 2009
Asia - Sudan Internation Seminar organised in collaboration with Denmark School of International Studies at New Delhi (at IIC) on 10-11 Nov. 2009
The Annual General Body Meeting is the supreme decision making body of ASA. It sets the policy guidelines and approves the financial plans and expenditure of ASA every year. The General Body of the Association is composed of Annual Members, Institutional Members and Life Members. Institutional Members in the General Body are represented through their designated representatives. The General Body meets ordinarily once a year, but an extra-ordinary meeting of the General Body may be held any time at the initiative of the President/Secretary. The meetings of the General Body is presided by the President or in his/her absence by anyone of the Vice-Presidents. 
The Executive Council is the executive governing body of the Association and by convention it meets twice a year. In practice it meets as often as required. It consists of a Maximum of 15 members. Its members include the ASA office bearers and all are elected in Biannual General Body Meeting of the Association. 
The Executive Council has the following authority and responsibilities:
  • The Executive Council is responsible for the academic and administrative affairs of the Association. 
  • The Executive Council prepares and executes detailed plans and programmes for the furtherance of the objectives of the Association.
  • To consider admissions of new members, and expulsions of members in accordance with the rules and regulations.
  • The decision of the Executive Council on these matters is final. Executive Council decides by a simple majority of those present and voting.
  • It co-opts any member on the Executive Council either to fill a vacancy or as a new member
  • It approves the expenses incurred by the Association President/Secretary according to the authority given to them under the rules.
  • It frames its own Rules of Procedure.
  • It considers and passes annual budget.
  • It has authority to purchase hold, sale, receive a gift, properties, moneys and other valuables and utilize them in the interest of the Association.
  • It manages its properties and spends money required for the carrying out of the objectives of the Association.
  • It recruits and controls such staff as may be required for the efficient management of the affairs of the Association and regulate their recruitment and conditions of service.
  • It frames byelaws for the Association and its own rules and procedures; and amend them according to Rules.
  • It appoints Ad-Hoc and Standing Committees deemed necessary or desirable for the affective functioning of the Association. 
 Office Bearers
       The day to day decisions of ASA activities are  taken up by respective office bearer of ASA India.


Programme Announcements
ASA International Conference
CAS ASA Symposium Series