International Conference on "Rising Africa: Looking Back to Think Ahead" from 3 - 4 October 2023 at MMAJ-Academy of International Studies, Jamia Millia islamia (JMI), New Delhi.
Recent Conferences
International Conference on "Rising Africa: Looking Back to Think Ahead" from 3-4 October 2023
International Webinar on May 5th 2020
Talk by President of African Development Bank at IIC organiseded by ASA/PRIASA on 1st February2013
Round Table on "China in Francophone and Anglophone Africa: Implications on India", 24th August 2012 at School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Public lecture cum discussion by Prof. Denis Venter on "The Imperatives of Democracy and Governance for African Renewal" at Conference Hall I, India International Centre on 27th January 2011 at 6:30 PM
ASA Interaction with visiting Journalist from Africa January 2011
South Africa under Globalisation: Issues in Foreign Policy and Development at New Delhi (JNU) on 11-12 Nov 2009
Asia - Sudan Internation Seminar organised in collaboration with Denmark School of International Studies at New Delhi (at IIC) on 10-11 Nov. 2009

ASA Activities

   International and National Academic Activities



    International Conferences/Seminars:


  •   International conference on “Africa’s Engagement with Japan, China, South Korea and India: A comparative perspective” organised by ASA India in collaboration with CAS (JNU), IIC, ODI on 9-11th oct 2015.
  •  International Conference on “India and Africa: Developmental Experiences and Bilateral Cooperation” at Wolkite University, Ethiopia on 8-9 December 2014 organised by ASA India.
  •  Tenth Anniversary International Seminar on "Indo-African Relations: Emerging Dimensions, Opportunities and Challenges in the 21st Century" Organized by African Studies Association of India (ASA India), JNU, New Delhi and Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur, at Udaipur, Rajasthan on 24th & 25th March 2014.
  • International Conference of PRIASA/ASA on 'New Actors and Diasporas in Africa's International Relations and Development' organised in Collaboration with Centre for African Studies, University of Mumbai and Institute of African Studies, Moscow, National Academy of Science, Russia on 29 th November 2012 at University of Mumbai. 
  • PRIASA/ASA Seminar with KWZN Durban University at Durban on 26th-27th September 2012 on Africa-India Relations in 21st Century.
  • International Conference to Establish Asian Africannist Network at Seoul, Korea from 27th -29th April 2012, organised by Universities of Foreign studies. 
  • Seminar on India-East Africa Relations: Diaspora, Security and Economic Trade Cooperation, organised by PRIASA in collaboration with University of Nairobi and Defence Staff College, Kenya on 27-28th February 2012.
  • Seminar on India-Ethiopia Relations organised by Centre for African Studies &African Studies Association of India on 12th April 2011 at Conference room, SIS, JNU.
  • International Seminar on India-Africa Enduring Partnership: Emerging Areas of Co-operation, organised by Centre for African Studies, University of Mumbai & African Studies Association of India on 2-4th March 2011 at ICSSR Conference hall in Mumbai.
  • International Seminar on India and South Africa: Political, Strategic, Economic and Diaspora Relations organised by African Studies Association of India on 2nd  December 2010 at India International Centre (IIC).
  • International Seminar on India and Africa: An Emerging Partnership, organised by SIOS and Teen Murti Bhavan in collaboration with ASA India on 4-5th  March 2010 at Teen Murti Bhavan, New Delhi.
  • International Seminar on India and Africa: Partnership for Capacity Building and Human Resource Development, organised by African Studies Association of India (ASA) and Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) on 9-10th  February 2010 at IIC New Delhi.
  • International Seminar on South Africa under Globalization: Issues in Foreign Policy and Development, organised by African Studies Association of India (ASA) on 11-12th November 2009 at JNU, New Delhi.
  • International Seminar on Asian Countries and Sudan: Political and Economic Relations, organised by African Studies Association of India and India International Centre (IIC) on 10th November 2009 at IIC New Delhi.
  • International Seminar on India and SADC: Role and Importance of South Africa, organised by African Studies Association of India and Punjabi University on 9-10th October 2009 at Punjabi University, Patiala.
  • International Seminar on India and North Africa under Globalization, organised by African Studies Association of India and Academy of Academy of Third World Studies on 18-19th  February 2009 at JMI New Delhi.
  • International Conference on Africa-India Partnership in the 21st Century, organised by RIS (Research and Information System for Developing Countries), Indian Council of World Affairs in collaboration with ASA (India) on 2-3rd April 2008.•International Seminar on India-Sudan: Lessons From Nation Building And Development Cooperation, organised by Centre for West Asian and African Studies, SIS, JNU, New Delhi and ASA (India) on 29-30th November 2007 at Room no. 203, SIS, JNU.
  • International Seminar on India and Francophone Africa Under Globalisation, organised by Africa Division, CWAAS, SIS, JNU on 22-23rd February 2007 at Room no. 203, SIS, JNU.
  • International Seminar on Francophone Sub-Saharan Africa: Issues in Foreign Policies and Development, organised by African Division, CWAAS, SIS, JNU on 27-28th February 2006 at Room no. 203, SIS, JNU.
  • International Seminar on India Africa Relations: New Avenues organised by SIOS and ASA (India) on 7-8th April 2005 at Teen Murti Library, New Delhi.
  • International Seminar on Emerging Trends in Indo-African Relations, organised by Indian Council of World Affairs and African Association of India on 19-20th November 2004 at Sapru House,New Delhi. 


  • National Seminars:


  •  National seminar on ‘Emerging India-Africa engagement: Challenges and opportunities’ organised by CAS (university of Mumbai), CAS(JNU) and ASA in University of Mumbai on 12-13th April 2017.
  •  Fifth National Doctoral Conference of African Studies organised by ASA India in collaboration with Udaipur University, Rajasthan on "India and Africa: Developmental and Bilateral Issues on 23rd March 2014.
  • National Seminar on Securing Group Rights: Human Rights Experiences from Asia and Africa on 7th & 8th Feb 2012, organised by MMAJ Academy of International Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia and PRIASA at Conference Room, Indo Arab Cultural Centre, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. The Report of the Seminar is available here.
  • National seminar on Determinant and Dimension of Foreign Policy of Francophone and Anglophone Africa Towards India: A Comparative Analysis, on 27th and 28th  March 2012, organised by PRIASA in Collaboration with Centre for African Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, at SIS, JNU. The Report of the Seminar is available here.
  • National Convention on India’s Engagement with Africa, organised by Jadavpur Association of International Relations, Kolkata in collaboration with ASA (India), supported by Public Diplomacy Division, Government of India on 17-20th August 2011.
  • Seminar on India-Ethiopia Relations, organised by CAS/SIS/JNU in collaboration with ASA,India. Main Speaker H.E. Gennet Lewide, Ambassador of Ethiopia on 12th April 2011 at Conference room no. 001, SIS, JNU.
  • National Seminar on Democratisation in Africa at Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi in February 2008, organised by ASA.
  • A Special Seminar of African Division organised on Ideologies, Policies and Practices of Africanization: Impact on Migrants on Population on 21st February 2008 at 11am in Room No. 356, SIS, JNU. 
  • A Seminar organised on Indian Diaspora in East Africa with Prof. Gisbert Donk, Erasmus University Rotterdan, Department of History Netherlands, organised by CAS/SIS/JNU in collaboration with ASA, India on 14th January 2008 at 11am in Room No. 103, SIS, JNU.
  • A Special Seminar of Africa Division on Contemporary East African Situations, organised by CAS/SIS/JNU in collaboration with ASA, India on 11th January 2008 at 11am in Room No. 356, JNU.
  • National Seminar on Indian Diaspora in Francophone Africa Islands: Migration, Assimilation and current Identity Issues by Leela G. Swaroop, on Tuesday, 23rd January 2007 at 11:30 am in Room no. 356, SIS, JNU.  
  • International and National Symposiums:  
  •  International Symposium on "South Africa" organised by ASA India in collaboration with CAS_JNU and CAS_UFS, South Africa at School of International Studies, JNU on 7th April 2017.
  •   Symposium on “Getting Conflict Resolution Right in Africa: The Case of the DRC” by Keynote speaker Prof. Hussein Solomon organised by CAS (JNU) AND ASA on 27th March 2017.
  •   Symposium on "Moments of Brazil Africa Relations" organised by ASA India and CAS_SIS, JNU at African Studies Centre at JNU on 7 February 2017. Keynote speaker Prof. Joao Bosco Monte from Brazil Africa Institute, Brazil.
  •    Symposium organised by ASA India with CAS-JNU on Argentina-Africa Relations with key note speech by Prof Gladys Lechini from Argentina on 30 November 2016 at Conference Hall 316-SIS, JNU.
  •  Symposium on "Indian Ocean as a memory space in the context of South Africa and India" organised by ASA India and Centre for African Studies on 25 October 2016 at School of international Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Keynote speaker John Njenga Karugia, University of Frankfurt, Germany.
  •  International Symposium on "France and India in Africa" organised by ASA India and CAS-JNU at School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University on 18 October 2016.
  •  ASA India Symposium organised in collaboration with CAS-JNU on "Perceptions of Development in Contemporary India-Ghana Relations" with key note speaker Dr Simonna Vitroni from Political science and International Relation department, SOAS, London at African Studies Centre, JNU, Delhi on23 September 2016.
  •   ASA India Symposium on "Traditional Powers and India in Africa" with Keynote address by Dr Alex Vines, Director, Africa Programme, Chatham House, London, organised in collaboration with CAS-JNU on 26 September 2016 at school of International Studies, JNU, New Delhi.
  •   "Girmitiya Diaspora in Africa and Across the World: Issues and Prospects of Engagement with India" a symposium organised by ODI International, CAS-JNU and ASA India at School of International Studies, JNU on 24 August 2016.
  •   Symposium organised by ASA India and CAS-JNU on "India, Africa and BRICS: Tasks and Challenges" at School of International Studies, JNU on 22nd August 2016. Participated by Academics, Diplomatic services, NGOs and media professionals.
  •   Symposium on “High level Indian official visits to needs and Impact” organised by CAS (JNU) and ASA India on 16th August 2016 at school of international studies, JNU.
  •   "India Africa Relations: Future Prospects and Challenges" interactive symposium organised by ASA India and CAS-JNU with delegations from Sudan and Indian Resource Persons at Conference Hall 203, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi on 7th April 2016.
  •  Symposium organised by ASA India in collaboration with CAS-JNU on "India-Africa Relations: A Case Study of the Nyarbaron Hydropower Projects in Rwanda" on 29th March 2016 at Hall- 203, School of International Studies, JNU. Key Speaker: Barnaby J Dye, RESEARCHER, Regents Park College, University of Oxford. Moderator Ms Ruchita Beri, Vice President ASA India and Senior Research Associate, IDSA, Delhi.
  •   ASA India Symposium organised in collaboration with CAS-JNU on "Environmental Concern: LEAD (metal) from Work to Home in Africa" with lead speaker Prof. DejeneAyeleTessema, President, Wolkite University, Ethiopia on 16 March 2016 at Hall 203- School of International Studies, JNU.
  •   Interactive Symposium on "China and Africa: Engagement through FOCAC" with a keynote presentation by Prof Kenneth King, Professor Emeritus, University of Edinburgh on 9th March 2016 at Conference Hall 316, School of International Studies, JNU.
  •    ASA India symposium organised with CAS-JNU on "The Great Adwa Victory: Relevance for Global South" at School of International Studies, JNU on 25th February 2016.
  •  Interactive presentation on 'State of Diaspora Studies beyond India' by Prof. Brij Lal, Australian National University, organised by ASA India, CAS and ODI at School of International Studies, JNU on 22nd October 2013.
  •  Symposium on “Supporting the transformation of Africa: The Strategy of the African Development Bank” by Dr. Kapil Kapoor on 7th May 2013.
  •  International Symposium on India-East Africa Relations: Diaspora, Security and Economic Trade Cooperation, organised by African Studies Association of India on 27-28th February 2012 at University of Nairobi, Kenya. 
  • National Symposium on India Diaspora in Francophone and Lusophone Africa: Comparing Opportunities for Indian Foreign Policies, organised by African Studies Association of India on 27th September 2011 at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. 
  • Symposium on Africa : Issues of Governance and Development, organised by African Studies Association of India (ASA India) and Academy of Third World Studies, on 26-27th  March 2008, at Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. The Report is available here.
  • Symposium on India and Indian Diaspora in Francophone Africa : A Comparative Perspective, organised by African Studies Association of India (ASA India) and Francophone Sub-Saharan Studies Programme, on 11th October 2006, at JNU, New Delhi.
  • Symposium on France and Africa: an Indian Perspective organised by African Division, CWAAS, SIS, JNU on 5th December 2005 at Room no. 203, SIS, JNU.

  •  Roundtables, Talks, Interactions & Workshops:  
  •   Round tables:  
  •  A Round Table on China in Francophone and Anglophone Africa: Implications on India, organised by CAS/SIS/JNU in collaboration with Policy Research Institute of African Studies Association (PRIASA) on 24th August 2012 at Conference Room No.001, SIS, JNU.
  • A Round Table on Fall of Gadaffi: Implications for India and Africa, organised by CAS/SIS/JNU in collaboration with Policy Research Institute of African Studies Association (PRIASA) on 6th September 2011 at Conference Room 316, SIS, JNU.
  • A Round Table on China in Africa: an Indian Perspective, initiated by Prof. K.Mathews, organised by CAS/SIS/JNU in collaboration with Policy Research Institute of African Studies Association (PRIASA) on 22nd August 2011 at SIS/JNU.
  • A Lecture on India and Nigeria: The Largest Democracies in World and Africa as Agents of Inter-Regional Cooperation for Global Peace and Development, organised by Centre for African Studies & African Studies Association of India on 17th March 2011, SIS/JNU.
  • A Round Table on Emerging Trends in India’s Relations With African Continent, organised by Centre for African Studies & African Studies Association of India on 22nd February 2011 at Conference Room 001, SIS, JNU.
  • A Round Table on Democratic Upsurge in Egypt: The Israeli-Palestinian Baggage, organised by Centre for African Studies & African Studies Association of India on 18th February 2011 at Room No. 203, SIS, JNU.
  • A Round table Discussion on Democratic Tremors in North Africa: Implications for India, organised by Centre for African Studies & African Studies Association of India on 9th February 2011 at Conference room 001, SIS, JNU.
  • Discussion on The Imperatives of Democracy and Governance for an African Renewal, organised by Centre for African Studies in collaboration with ASA India on 27th  January 2011 at IIC.
  • A Round table on China and Africa: Perspective from India, initiated by Prof K. Mathews (Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia) and coordinated by Prof Denis Venter (former director Africa Institute, Pretoria, South Africa and currently Nelson Mandela chair professor at JNU) on 7th  September 2010 at Room No. 203, SIS, JNU, New Delhi.
  • Talks and Interactions by ASA: 
  •  Distinguished Lecture Series by Tunisian Nobel Laureate for peace on 'Role of Youth and Women in the Tunisian Revolution' organised by CAS JNU and ASA on 28 August 2017 at JNU Convention Centre.
  • Africa Day: Panel discussion on "Africa's Security Challenges" organised by ASA and IDSA at IDSA conference Hall on 17 May 2017.
  •   A Panel Discussion " on Recent Attacks on African Students; Preventive Mechanisms" IN Indian International Centre New Delhi, organised by Centre for African Studies, JNU, African Studies Association of India and IIC, on 21st September 2016.The session became lively and vibrant with the presence of large number of African Students studying in Delhi.
  •   Fifth Consulate meeting for African studies Network of Asia organised by ASA on 10th oct 2015.
  •   Special Lecture by H.E. Abdusalam H. Omer, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Investment Promotion of Somalia on "RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SOMALIA, INDIA AND ROLE OF PARTNERSHIP FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TWO NATIONS" organisized by African Studies Association (ASA India) in Collaboration with Centre For African Studies,SIS, JNU on 30 October 2015, NEW DELHI. H.E. Abdusalam H. Omer, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Investment Promotion of Somalia, came to India to Participate in the Third India Africa Forum Summit, 2015.
  •   ASA India's Tenth Anniversary Special Lecture by Prof. GijsbertOonk, University of Rotterdam on "South Asian Diaspora in Africa: African, Indian and European Perspectives" at Centre for African Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi on 29th October 2013.
  •    Interactive talk by Dr. Donald Kaberuka, President of African Development Bank on "Emerging Africa: Opportunity for South South Cooperation" Organised by ASA India, IIC and JNU , 1st February 2013 at IIC, New Delhi.
  •   A Talk on India and West Africa: Bilateral Relations, by R.Bhagat, on 11th November 2011 at Room 316, SIS, JNU, New Delhi.
  •  A Talk at IIC by Nigerian Foriegn Minister on India and Nigeria: The Largest Democracies in World and Africa as agents of Inter-Regional Cooperation for Global Peace and Development, organised by CAS (JNU), ASA and IIC , dated 17th March 2011 at IIC.
  • Interaction with visiting African Journalists, organised by Centre for African Studies in collaboration with African Studies Association of India on 27th  January 2011 at SIS, JNU.
  • A Talk on South Africa’s Rebellion of The Poor by Prof. Peter Alexander, organised by CAS/SIS/JNU in collaboration with ASA, India on 30th November 2010 at Conference Room  203, SIS, JNU.
  • A Talk on New Moral Imperatives in International Relations: a Contribution from Africa, organised by CAS/SIS/JNU in collaboration with ASA, India on 23rd November 2010 at Conference Room 001, SIS, JNU.
  • A Talk on India-Africa Agricultural Cooperation: Potentials and Opportunities, organised by CAS/SIS/JNU in collaboration with ASA, India on 16th November 2010 at Conference Room 316, SIS, JNU.
  • A Talk cum discussion by High Commissioner of Republic of Gambia H.E. Mr. Dembo M. Badjie on Leadership and Social Change in Gambia, organised by CAS/SIS/JNU in collaboration with ASA, India on 11th November 2010 at Conference Room I, SIS, JNU.
  • A Talk on Leadership And Social Change In The Gambia, organised by CAS/SIS/JNU in collaboration with ASA, India on 9th November 2010 at Conference Room No. 001, SIS, JNU.
  • A Talk by Prof. Denis Venter on Democracy & Governance in Africa, organised by Centre For African Studies, SIS, JNU in collaboration with African Studies Association of India (ASA India) on 26th October 2010 at SIS, JNU.
  • A Talk by Prof. Peggy Levitt, Harvard University on Transnational Approaches to Migration Research, organised by African Studies Association of India, on 18th August 2010 at India International Centre (IIC), New Delhi.
  • Interaction with African Students Organised by African Studies Association of India and Centre for African Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University on 8th  August 2010 at SIS, JNU. 
  • Interaction with Journalist Delegation from Anglophone Africa, organised by CAS/SIS/JNU in collaboration with ASA, India on 21st April 2009 at Committee room no.001, SIS/JNU. Indian participants: Ebyan Salah (Embassy of Somalia), Prof. Ajay Dubey, and Prof. S.N. Malakar 
  • Interactive Discussion Studying African Diaspora: Are there Different Atlantic & Indian Ocean Models, organised by CAS/Mumbai University in collaboration with ASA, India on 12th June 2009 at Centre for African Studies, Mumbai University. Main Speakers: USA President P. Zaleza and Prof. Aparajita Biswas.
  • A Talk on Studying African Diaspora: Beyond Transatlantic Models, organised by India International Centre (IIC) and ASA, India on 8th June 2009 at IIC. Main Speakers: Prof. S.N.Malalar and Prof. Ajay Dubey.
  • A Talk on Somalia Today by H.E.Ebyan Mohamed Salah, Ambassador of Somalia to India, organised by CAS/SIS/JNU in collaboration with ASA, India on 21st October 2008 at 11am in Room No. 203, SIS,JNU.
  • A One Day Conference on The Horrors of 1994 RWANDAN GENOCIDE, organised by Embassy of the Republic of RWANDA in India in association with JNUSU and the African Studies Association of India, on 15th  April 2008.
  • A Talk on India-Africa Policy, organised by CAS/SIS/JNU in collaboration with ASA, India on 20th March 2008 at SIS, JNU.
  • Interactive Interaction between African Studies Association of India and African Students, organised by African Studies Association of India (ASA India), on 31st October 2007, at JNU, New Delhi.
  • A Talk on Researching on Francophone Africa, organised by CAS/SIS/JNU in collaboration with ASA, India on 23rd October 2007 at Room No. 356, SIS, JNU. Main Speakers: Prof. Daniel Bach (Professional Fellow, Centre National de la Rechercha Scientifique), Prof. Ajay Dubey and Prof. S.N.Malakar.
  • Interactive Panel Discussion with journalists from Nigeria, Mr. Habia Pindiga, Editor, Weekly Trust, Daily Trust, Newspaper, Mr. Jewell Diafinone, Dy. Editor, The Guardian, Newspaper, Mr. Paul Ohia, Sr. Correspondent, The Day, Newspaper, Mr. Lkechukwu Eze, Assistant Editor, Business Day, Newspaper, Mr. Segun Kayode Adio, New Age, Newspaper, held on 3rd October 2007 at JNU, New Delhi.
  • Interactive Panel Discussion with journalist from nine Francophone African Countries (Cote D'Ivoire, Senegal, Mali, Benin, Chad, Cameroon, Congo, Burkina Faso,  Niger) on India and Francophone African Countries under Globalisation, organised by African Studies Association of India (ASA India) and Francophone Sub-Saharan Studies Programme, on 19th  June 2007, at JNU, New Delhi. 
  • Workshops:
  • Workshop on ONGC Videsh in Africa, organised by Centre for African Studies & African Studies Association of India on 15th  February 2011 at SIS, JNU, New Delhi.
  • ASA General Secretary Participation at PBD Africa 2010 Conference on Diaspora as a Heritage Resource, organised by Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs (MOIA) at Durban, 1-2nd October 2010. 
  • Workshop on Indian Diaspora in South Africa at Durban on 15th July 2010.
  • Workshop on India-South Africa: Role of Indian Multinationals, organised by Gorden School of Business, Pretoria University on 14th July 2010.
  • Workshop on Teaching, Researching and Resourcing African Studies in India organised by African Studies Association of India and Centre for African Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University on 19th  March 2010 at SIS, Jawaharlal Nehru University.
  • Workshop on Development & Displacement in South Africa, organised by ASA (India), Africa Division, SIS, JNU on 12th January 2009 at SIS,JNU.
  • A Lecture cum Workshop Displacement Issues in Southern Africa by Prof. Chris de Wet, organised by Centre for Refugee Study and ASA (India) on 31 December 2008.
  • Workshop on FEDERAL EXPERIMENTS: Experiment of Ethnic Federalism in Ethiopia at Room no. 001, SIS, Committee Room, JNU on 5th November 2008 at 11:00 am. Main Speakers: Fred Hendrick (Dean of Humanities University of Rhodes, South Africa), Prof. Ajay Dubey and Prof. S.N.Malakar. The session was chaired by Prof. Hussain Solomon. 
  • Workshop on Emerging Sectors in India-Africa Cooperation: Indian Pharmaceutical Exports to East Africa organised by CAS (University of Mumbai) in association with World Trade Centre Mumbai and ASA, India on 17th September 2008.  
  • Awards: ASA “Best Thesis Award” is given to the best thesis of the year submitted for Ph.D in any of the Indian University on African issues. Publications: Books, Journals, Monographs, Seminar Papers and Newsletter on African issues are published by ASA. Details are available from ASA secretariat. Please contact: Annual Meetings: The annual meetings are held on various topics relevant to African Studies. The programme and relevant details are announced on ASA website. Mentor Lectures: ASA conducts various Mentor Lectures in honour of Indian scholars who contributed significantly to the discipline of African studies.  Talks:  To promote interaction and exchange of ideas both on contemporary and intellectual issues related to African affairs, ASA organises public talks inviting scholars both from India and Abroad. These talk are organized in local units. Delhi Unit regularly organise, Tuesday Africa Seminar (TAS) in collaboration with Africa Division at School of International Studies, JNU, New Delhi.
  • Agreements:    ASA India signed an MOU with the Institute of Asian and African Studies, University of Khartoum, Sudan for academic cooperation and exchanges. Prof Abdel Rahim Hamid Mugaddam, the director of the institute, visited the Centre for African Studies, JNU for signing the agreement on 25th April 2016. 
  •  News:
  •  The e-newsletter published by young scholars of ASA consists of news on African Affairs in India and Africa. It is published quarterly.
  •  ASA Indian journals, Africa Review and ODI India journal Diaspora Studies at stalls of ECAS 2017 at Basel, Switzerland. ASA India was represented by Prof Aparajita Biswas in the Plenary.
  • Publications: 
    Various publications of ASA can be received by writing to ASA: Advertising:  For Advertising on ASA website, journals and newsletter please write to ASA secretariat at  


Programme Announcements
ASA International Conference
CAS ASA Symposium Series